Canyon Journal of Undergraduate Research

The Canyon Journal of Undergraduate Research (CJUR) is dedicated to the publication of exemplary faculty-mentored and peer-reviewed research produced by undergraduate students at Grand Canyon University (GCU). The CJUR is multidisciplinary with original, contemporary research in alignment with the Boyer Model of Scholarship. This publication is inclusive of a competitive manuscript selection process that undergoes rigorous peer-review.

The goals of the CJUR are:

  • To educate students on conducting quality research, the institutional review board process, scholarly writing, and the publication process.
  • To encourage students to explore academic areas of interest and to empower them to contribute to the existing body of scholarly knowledge. 
  • To further cultivate and foster the mentorship relationship between faculty and students as they engage in research and the production of scholarly work.
  • To offer the GCU community an opportunity to engage our scholars in discussions surrounding their scholarly work. 
  • To provide undergraduate scholars with a platform to publish high quality manuscripts which may be foundational to their future educational and career aspirations.
  • CJUR encourages learners from all undergraduate disciplines such as arts and media, business, education, health care, humanities, social sciences, STEM, and theology, and alike to submit for consideration.



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Read Current Issue Volume 2 Issue 2: /cjur/currentissue


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Discovery Guide: Literature Review:

Guide for Reflection on Interdisciplinary Problems (GRIP):

Undergraduate Guide for Reflective Practice (UGRP):

Guide for Reflection on Community Engagement (GRCE):

Discovery Guide: Empirical:


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Guides for Authors

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---------- Grouped Links ---------

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Overview: /cjur/overview

Call for Papers: /cjur/callforpapers

Submit a Manuscript: /cjur/submitamanuscript

Review Process: /cjur/reviewprocess

Contact: /cjur/contact

Office of Research and Grants Home:

Editorial Staff:

Read Current Issue:

Browse Past Issue:

Peer Review Board:


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Journal Information

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 ISSN: 3066-005X

 ISSN: 3066-0068

Viewed 29,878 times