Site Authorization


Faculty and staff researchers interested in conducting research with GCU students, staff and/or faculty must submit a Site Authorization Application describing the purpose and scope of the research, duration of the study, target population, dean and/or department endorsement, impact on GCU operations and resources, data use and potential benefit to the University. 

GCU faculty and staff are required to connect with their dean and/or department head regarding their proposed study within 30 days prior to submitting site authorization.

Site Authorization is required prior to submission of IRB application. Please review the Procedure for Approval to Conduct Research at GCU describing the process and requirements for obtaining site approval. If approved, site authorizations are valid for one year from date of approval.

Please note that as of March 2021, GCU is temporarily placing a moratorium on research that involves the University emailing students or providing contact information to solicit students for participation in interviews, focus groups, or surveys.

This form applies only to use of GCU data, not any of our university partners.

If you have questions or any difficulty submitting the application, please contact [email protected]

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Procedure and Guidelines for Site Authorization:

Application for Site Authorization:


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Viewed 46,226 times