Call for Papers

Call for Papers


Submit a manuscript to the Canyon Journal of Undergraduate Research (CJUR).

NOTE: This journal only accepts manuscripts authored by undergraduate students enrolled at Grand Canyon University.

Prospective authors (undergraduate students enrolled at GCU) are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publication in the Canyon Journal of Undergraduate Research. CJUR publishes original material highlighting undergraduate students’ scholarly engagement in which they have applied their disciplinary knowledge in applied and integrative activities. As is the nature of refereed journals, acceptance and publication of original manuscripts is a competitive process.

CJUR is accepting the following manuscript types, based on the following writing guides:

  • Guide for Reflection on Community Engagement  (GRCE)
  • Discovery Guide (DG) Literature Review 
  • Guide for Reflection on Interdisciplinary Problems (GRIP) 
  • Undergraduate Guide for Reflective Practice (UGRP)

To submit your manuscript for publication consideration, view the submission guidelines here.

Guides for Authors

Guides for Authors 

  • Guide for Reflection on Community Engagement  (GRCE)
  • Discovery Guide (DG) Literature Review 
  • Guide for Reflection on Interdisciplinary Problems (GRIP) 
  • Undergraduate Guide for Reflective Practice (UGRP)


Submission Deadlines

Submission Deadlines

This journal will publish twice a year, in June and in November. All manuscripts must be submitted by February 20th to be considered for publication in the June issue and August 30th to be considered for publication in the November issue. This journal accepts manuscripts for consideration on a rolling basis. As noted previously, CJUR only accepts manuscripts authored by undergraduate students enrolled at Grand Canyon University. The review process may take three or more months, depending upon the peer review timeline and number of submissions. Once the review process is complete, authors will receive a decision notification (accept, revise and resubmit, or reject). Please note manuscript assignment to a specific journal issue is at the discretion of the editorial staff. Authors will receive a second notification once a decision is made on the journal issue assignment.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript Preparation

  • Effective manuscript submissions should follow the guidelines of one of the selected writing guides (GRCE, DG-Literature Review, GRIP, or UGRP).
  • Manuscripts (including citations and references) must strictly follow APA style as dictated by the 7th Edition of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (
  • Manuscripts must be written in clear English.
  • Maximum length of submission is approximately 15 – 20 pages, depending on the selected writing guide, double spaced, including abstract, appendices, references, figures, and tables (with some length exceptions for supporting documents).
  • NOTE: This journal only accepts manuscripts authored by undergraduate students enrolled at Grand Canyon University.

Additional Information

Original Work

Submission to CJUR indicates that the manuscript (or a similar version of it) has not been previously published, accepted for publication, and/or is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.  

NOTE: This journal only accepts manuscripts authored by undergraduate students enrolled at Grand Canyon University.

Identifying Information

To facilitate the masked portion of the manuscript blind review process, the author’s name and other identifying information should NOT appear anywhere on the manuscript (including the title page); the manuscript should be written in a generalized fashion that does not directly divulge authorship or institutional affiliation.


CJUR charges no fees. Aligned with the mission of open access publishing, CJUR does not charge submission, article, processing, author or access fees.

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Discovery Guides (DG) Literature Review:

Guide for Reflection on Interdisciplinary Problems (GRIP):

Guide for Reflection on Community Engagement (GRCE):

Undergraduate Guide for Reflective Practice (UGRP):


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Guides for Authors

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Canyon Journal of Undergraduate Research Home: /cjur


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