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3. CITI Ethics Training

CITI.jpgGCU requires all researchers to successfully complete research ethics training prior to applying for IRB approval. The CITI (Collaborative Institution Training Initiative) training program is web-based instruction in the ethics of research with human subjects. CITI Training is free to GCU researchers and requires approximately 15-20 hours to complete.   Training certification is valid for five years. Click on the links below to register and begin this training.

Please note: CITI Training records will automatically load into your iRIS IRB Submission Packet. You do not need to upload copies into your iRIS Submission Packet. You must enter your GCU email address ([email protected]) when prompted for Institutional Email Address on the CITI registration site. Please follow the steps in the documents below to ensure successful .

Click on the link below to access the CITI Training website:

Help with CITI Training

For more information on logging into CITI, accessing the required training modules, or any other support questions, click here. 

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