Last Updated:
September 25, 2023
Jenny Kuban
| Version: 4
| 1 follower
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Isac | Artzi | Dr. Artzi is interested in multi-disciplinary research with a focus on using computer technology to learn about and enhance the surrounding environment. His rich career includes grant-funded research at Michigan State University (by Howard Hughes Medical Institute) to develop multimedia educational software for Physics and Biology; R&D work in Silicon Valley, leading to patented work in software streaming algorithms; and research on machine learning algorithms leading to conference presentations and publications. |
David | Demland | David has been working in the IT field for over 35 years. His background has included system design and development, network architecture and maintenance, security systems design and maintenance, QA management, development management, security compliance officer. David has also been in the University classroom as an instructor for over 23 years. David has worked in all areas of IT development and production. |
Robert | Loy | Mr. Loy has 23 years of training and experience in the technology fields of development, networks, data, and user interfaces. Much of his work has focused on the leadership and management of technology projects over the last ten years. Before growing into supervisory roles, he worked as a developer in Java, C#, ASP, PHP, HTML, and SQL. He built front-end and back-end applications to manage corporate needs for integration and end-user functionality. Current work includes designing and delivering a technology curriculum, partnerships with industry as subject matter experts, and identifying real-world projects and opportunities for student experience. |
Christine | Bakke | Dr. Bakke has extensive technology career experience in industry combined with higher education instruction in Cybersecurity, IT, Computer Science, and Software Engineering. Her projects have primarily focused on development of IoT devices, custom software development, and educational/competitive robotics. |
Bill | Hughes | Mr. Hughes has over 35 years of experience in the field of software engineering and most projects focused on managing software design applications through the entire software development lifecycle. Mr. Hughes also contracts as a full stack developer which helps provide real life examples and experiences to his students. Current responsibilities also include managing and designing the Intelligent Systems Technology Lab in building 57 third floor where students can come and work with embedded systems to drive robotic intelligent systems. |