The Computational Science Exploratorium


Computational Science Exploratorium


The Exploratorium has current efforts in three key areas: virtual reality, intelligent robots, artificial intelligence/machine learning:

  • Rotational Dynamics Simulation: Continue development of the 3D environment and port to VR. This project is conducted in collaboration with science faculty member Gary Cao. It is designed to demonstrate that simulated Physics labs are suited for online learning.
  • Intelligent Robot: Goal is to build a biped robot, capable of walking, recognizing faces and objects and communicating in some form with the surrounding environment. The project will demonstrate how a variety of technologies (motors, sensors, AI software, image recognition) can be integrated into one platform.
  • Artificial Intelligence Augmented Counseling: This project is aimed at developing tools that understand the mental state of a counseling patient, by analyzing their journal entries at first, and later their conversations with a counselor. This project aims to significantly scale the ability of counselors to evaluate patients (e.g. 100 simultaneously) and prioritize those who need faster intervention. It will provide a detailed profile of a patient, prior to the first intake by the counselor.
  • Computational A.I./Machine Learning & Robotics Lab (PI: Bill Hughes) – develop and employ algorithms to solve complex problems and make machines come to life.  Teach a computer to calculate the most efficient outcome and then act on it.   Research will involve machine learning types (reinforcement learning, deep learning, neural networks, etc.).   Deploying the solutions on various devices (cars, robots, etc.) will be explored.
  • Brain-computer Interface (PI: David Demland) – This cross-discipline project aims to explore, build, and test a brain-computer interface (BCI) product that can be added to an existing power wheelchair, allowing highly disabled patients with little or no limb movement to control the wheelchair. The development of this technology could significantly impact the healthcare industry and the lives of those confined to the boundary of their bodies by providing them with a more intuitive and independent means of mobility.
  • Delivery Robot: Goal is to design, build, and program a delivery robot that would allow students/staff to order food delivery on campus (via our bot!).   
  • IoT Product:  Goal of the project is to modify an existing sports practice net by adding IoT capabilities.  A great opportunity to work on building a real device for a real company.  Primary need is for students who want experience in any of these IoT areas: Arduino/electrical engineering, and software/programming.  

Affiliated Investigators: Click the investigators name to read bio

Isac Artzi                        [email protected]

David Demland             [email protected] 

Robert Loy                     [email protected] 

Christine Bakke             [email protected]

Bill Hughes                     [email protected]

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