Applied Biomedical Engineering Lab


Applied Biomedical Engineering Lab


The primary purpose of this research program is to conduct biomedical research in the field of biomechanics at all scales, from the kinematics and kinetics of human gait and joint motion to analysis and synthesis of biological cells and tissues. Strong emphasis will be placed in collaborative research with entities outside GCU – currently all planned projects will be done in partnership with local medical device companies, hospitals, medical schools, and other biomedical institutions. These partnerships will include collaborative grant proposals and by extension a strong emphasis in producing student-created publishable work to fulfill grant requirements. While the program falls in the biomedical engineering realm, the projects will be enhanced by cross-disciplinary teams including but not limited to biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biology, pre-med, and physical therapy majors.

Affiliated Investigators: Click the investigators name to read bio

David Kwartowitz         [email protected]



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