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Documenting Scholarship of Application
Unpublished Scholarship of Application
Scholarly activities that fall under Boyer's application domain are varied. For instance, a faculty member could provide "service on a departmental program review committee" or on a departmental curriculum committee" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 141) such as a subject matter expert (SME). The scholarship of application could also be documented if a faculty member were to "help solve a departmental problem" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 142).
To be considered for rank and tenure purposes, unpublished scholarship needs to be publicly observable. This means that scholarship can be documented in a variety of forms such as a paper, presentation, written report, or a website (Braxton et al., 2002). Then, faculty at GCU are encouraged to move their unpublished scholarship to published scholarship. Read below and follow the navigation links to the writing guides that will assist you in publishing!
Published Scholarship of Application
Publishing scholarship from the application domain provides a diverse approach for faculty to explore. Articles that dive into topics such as "a research problem identified through the application of the knowledge and skill of one's academic discipline to a practical problem" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 142). Likewise, practitioners can lean into their vast experiences and write and publish articles in which they "apply new disciplinary knowledge to a practical problem" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 142). The scholarship of application also encourages studies that "help to solve a county or state problem" (Braxton et al., 2022, 143).
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Overview of SoTL: Overview of SoTL
Research Ready:
SoTL Consultations:
Research Tutorials:
Documenting Scholarship of Teaching: /teach/document
Teach Guide:
Overview of Integrate:
Documenting Scholarship of Integration: /integrate/document
Integrate Guide:
Overview of Apply:
Documenting Scholarship of Application: /apply/document
Apply Guide:
Overview of Discover:
CSET R&D Program:
Documenting Scholarship of Discovery: /discover/document
Discovery Guide:
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idx: Igloo.Old.App.Velocity.ViewModels.LinkViewModel
idx: Igloo.Old.App.Velocity.ViewModels.LinkViewModel
Overview of SoTL: Overview of SoTL
Research Ready:
SoTL Consultations:
Research Tutorials:
Documenting Scholarship of Teaching: /teach/document
Teach Guide:
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- Documenting Scholarship of Integration TrueFalse(True || !True && False)
- Integrate Guide
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Overview of Integrate:
Documenting Scholarship of Integration: /integrate/document
Integrate Guide:
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- Apply Guide
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idx: Igloo.Old.App.Velocity.ViewModels.LinkViewModel
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Overview of Apply:
Documenting Scholarship of Application: /apply/document
Apply Guide:
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- Discovery Guide
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idx: Igloo.Old.App.Velocity.ViewModels.LinkViewModel
Overview of Discover:
CSET R&D Program:
Documenting Scholarship of Discovery: /discover/document
Discovery Guide:
end displayLinks
Viewed 2,167 times