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Documenting Scholarship of Discover
Unpublished Scholarship of Discovery
In higher education, faculty and practitioners are often encouraged to present at conferences and workshops. These are perfect avenues to document scholarship under Boyer's discovery domain. Examples of discovery presentations include a "paper presented that describes a new theory developed by the author" or a "paper presented that reports the findings of research designed to gain new knowledge" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 143).
To be considered for rank and tenure purposes, unpublished scholarship needs to be publicly observable. This means that scholarship can be documented in a variety of forms such as a paper, presentation, written report, or a website (Braxton et al., 2002). Then, faculty at GCU are encouraged to move their unpublished scholarship to published scholarship. Read below and follow the navigation links to the writing guides that will assist you in publishing!
Published Scholarship of Discovery
Traditional researchers may find that the discovery domain is the ideal realm in which they prefer to document their scholarship. After presenting unpublished scholarship under the discovery domain, a practitioner might desire to publish their scholarship. These types of documentation include publishing articles in a peer-reviewed or "refereed journal reporting findings of research designed to gain new knowledge" or "describing a new theory developed by the author" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 143). Collaborating with other researchers by working on books and/or book chapters are also great ways to implement Boyer's scholarship of discovery.
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Overview of SoTL:
Research Ready:
SoTL Consultations:
Research Tutorials:
Documenting Scholarship of Teaching: /teach/document
Teach Guide:
Overview of Integrate:
Documenting Scholarship of Integration: /integrate/document
Integrate Guide:
Overview of Apply:
Documenting Scholarship of Application: /apply/document
Apply Guide:
Overview of Discover:
CSET R&D Program:
Documenting Scholarship of Discovery: /discover/document
Discovery Guide:
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Overview of SoTL:
Research Ready:
SoTL Consultations:
Research Tutorials:
Documenting Scholarship of Teaching: /teach/document
Teach Guide:
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- Integrate Guide
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Overview of Integrate:
Documenting Scholarship of Integration: /integrate/document
Integrate Guide:
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Overview of Apply:
Documenting Scholarship of Application: /apply/document
Apply Guide:
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Overview of Discover:
CSET R&D Program:
Documenting Scholarship of Discovery: /discover/document
Discovery Guide:
end displayLinks
Viewed 2,337 times