Documenting Scholarship

Unpublished Scholarship of Integration

Under the Boyer Model, there is the flexibility to integrate scholarship in atypical ways. For example, by bridging disciplines, a faculty member could "give a talk on a current disciplinary topic for a group of college alumni" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 143). Outreach into the local high school community is another avenue in which to document scholarship under the domain of integration. This could be conducted by giving a speech or lecture at a "local high school class...or assembly" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 144). 

To be considered for rank and tenure purposes, unpublished scholarship needs to be publicly observable. This means that scholarship can be documented in a variety of forms such as a paper, presentation, written report, or a website (Braxton et al., 2002). Then, faculty at GCU are encouraged to move their unpublished scholarship to published scholarship. Read below and follow the navigation links to the writing guides that will assist you in publishing! 


Published Scholarship of Integration

In higher education, if a faculty member desires to publish under Boyer's integration domain, they could document their scholarship in a number of ways. A "literature review on a disciplinary topic" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 144) would provide a robust look into a specific discipline. Likewise, articles could be written by reaching into "an academic discipline outside one's own" (Braxton et al., 2002, p. 144). Publications of this sort could borrow from research methods, theories, or book chapters (Braxton et al., 2002).  

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Overview of SoTL: //

Research Ready:

SoTL Consultations:

Research Tutorials:

Documenting Scholarship of Teaching: /teach/document

Teach Guide:

Overview of Integrate:

Documenting Scholarship of Integration: /integrate/document

Integrate Guide:

Overview of Apply:

Documenting Scholarship of Application: /apply/document

Apply Guide:

Overview of Discover:

CSET R&D Program:

Documenting Scholarship of Discovery: /discover/document

Discovery Guide:


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