


The mission of the Institute for Reflective Practice is to mentor practitioners to engage experience as reflective scholars, develop practitioners to become community engaged scholars, and prepare practitioners to analyze problems as interdisciplinary and integrative scholars. Our target audience is practitioners from any industry, but we have a special focus on academics, specifically, faculty, staff, and students in higher education. If you are interested in joining the institute, please see information on OUR MEMBERSHIP PAGE.

There are three distinct activities in which members of the institute engage:

  • Mentoring: Mentoring interested participants and stakeholders in the fundamentals of reflective practice, community engagement, and interdisciplinary inquiry.
  • Scholarship: Active involvement in the development of writing guides; exploring the theoretical foundations for reflective practice, community engagement, and interdisciplinary inquiry; and conducting empirical inquiry.
  • Professional Development: Facilitating reflective writing retreats for colleges and universities, private corporations, and governmental agencies to enhance their understanding of reflective practice, community engagement, and interdisciplinary inquiry.



Anderson, A. M., Or, J. M. L., Maguire, K. R., Greenberger, S. W., Martin, C. L., & Chavez, T. E. (2023) Refugee simulations: Transformative learning to improve character. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2023.2189182

Greenberger, S. W., & Or, J. (2022). Cultivating faculty readiness to reflect: Reconstructing Dewey’s attitudes for reflection as character strengths. Reflective Practice, 23(3), 291-304. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2021.2015685

Greenberger, S. W., Maguire, K. R., Martin, C. L., Chavez, T. E., & Delgado, G. (2021). Discovering reflective-narrative: Constructing experience in the Deweyan guide for reflective practice. Reflective Practice, 23(2), 147-161. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2021.1983423

Greenberger, S. W. (2020). Creating a guide for reflective practice: Applying Dewey’s reflective thinking to document faculty scholarly engagement. Reflective Practice, 21(4), 458-472. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2020.1773422

Greenberger, S. W. (2024). Revising the Guide for Reflective Practice: Problems and readiness. Reflective Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2024.2321512


Greenberger, S. W., Maguire, K. R., & Martin, C. L. (2021, October 8 – 9). Description as reflective-narrative: Constructing experience in the guide for reflective practice. [Conference presentation]. John Dewey Memorial Conference, Burlington, VT.

Greenberger, S. W., & Or, J. (2021, July 15). Cultivating character strengths to foster faculty reflective practice ePoster. [Virtual presentation]. 7th International Positive Psychology Association World Congress.


Greenberger, S. W., Maguire, K. R., & Murphy, C. (2022, May). Reflective writing retreat. [virtual workshop]. Institutional Research and College of Arts and Media at Grand Canyon University.

Greenberger, S. W., Chavez, T. E., Anderson, A. M., Maguire, K. R., Martin, C. L., Or, J. M. L., and Downing, M. (2022, April). Reflective writing retreat. [virtual workshop]. EdD Pathway. 

Greenberger, S. W., Martin, C. L., Anderson, A. M., Chavez, T. E., Maguire, K. R., Or, J. M. L., and Fields, G. (2022, March). Reflective writing for individual development plans. [virtual workshop]. Chandler Gilbert Community College.

Greenberger, S. W., Delgado, G., Chavez, T. E., Maguire, K. R., and Martin, C. L. (2021, April). Reflective writing retreat. [virtual workshop]. Arizona State University.

Greenberger, S. W., Delgado, G., Chavez, T. E., Maguire, K. R., and Martin, C. L. (2021, March). Info session. Reflective writing. [virtual workshop]. Arizona State University.

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Overview of the Institute: https://research.gcu.edu/irp/overview

Original Lab 2020-2022: https://research.gcu.edu/irp/lab

Meet the Members: https://research.gcu.edu/irp/members

Membership Information: /irp/join

Contact: https://research.gcu.edu/contact


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GUIDE FOR REFLECTIVE PRACTICE (GRP): https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/grp_version_6pdf

GUIDE FOR REFLECTION ON INTERDISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS (GRIP): https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/grip_version_3_jsepdf

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PORTFOLIO: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/reflective_practice_guidelines_32pdf


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INSTITUTE HOME: //research.gcu.edu/irp



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Overview of SoTL: //research.gcu.edu/teach

Research Ready: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/develop/research_ready

SoTL Consultations: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/support/consultation

Research Tutorials: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/develop/tutorials

Documenting Scholarship of Teaching: /teach/document

Teach Guide: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/reflective_practice_guidelines_32pdf

Overview of Integrate: https://research.gcu.edu/integrate

Documenting Scholarship: /integrate/document

Integrate Guide: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/grip_version_3_jsepdf

Overview of Apply: //research.gcu.edu/apply

Documenting Scholarship of Application: /apply/document

Apply Guide: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/collaborative_community_engagement_guidelines_411pdf

Overview of Discover: https://research.gcu.edu/discover

CSET R&D Program: https://research.gcu.edu/rdp

Documenting Scholarship of Discovery: /discover/document

Discovery Guide: https://scholarlyengagement.com/guides/reflective_practice_guidelines_32pdf


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Viewed 1,447 times